Dr. Angie Estefany Orduz Navas

2024 angie

Dr. Orduz obtained her B.S. in Chemistry from Universidad Industrial de Santander (Bucaramanga, Colombia) in 2017. In 2018, she began her doctoral studies at Universidad Nacional del Sur (Bahía Blanca, Argentina), supported by a CONICET doctoral fellowship at the Instituto de Química del Sur (INQUISUR). Since then, she has been actively involved in teaching roles at the same institution. She completed her doctoral studies in July 2024. During her doctoral studies, her research focused on preconcentration and removal of contaminants using adsorbent materials such as biopolymers, carbon nanotubes, and inorganic solids, within the fields of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr. Angie E. Orduz is currently a postdoctoral fellow at CONICET, focused on the research of superabsorbent polymers for their application in preconcentration and electrochemical detection of heavy metals. Her work is a collaboration between our team and Dr. Marcelo Avena.


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